Wednesday, November 26, 2008



  • This is Buttons. Shes the smallest in the bunch...but youngest.. im not so sure. Apparently some thoughtless people one day dumped this poor fella in a completely sealed box filled with nasty looking bread bits and decided to place it at the doorstep of my dad's clinic. The nerve of some its pretty hard to determine her exact age.. Anyways she is well taken care of now that shes with me and i am very happy to have her entertaining me at times...but sometimes she sure can be a real bugger=.=

  • The thing with her is that she loveees having tonns of attention on her shoulders...soo..the pestering begins..when you are doing work, she jumps up to your lap, and will literally tap you with her left paw (i find this really cute and interesting actually hehe=D) to ask for pattings...

as you can see...she loves to steal people's seat....the minute you get up, she will take it away from you..and she will sleep there all day long..sigh...

and...if she cant steal your seat..well..she will sit like this=.="..

up to no good as usual

  • Also, another thing you should know about her is that she is really mischeivious..she always on the move and is always busy looking for things to do and stuff to play with.. Her favourite "toy box" id say, is the rubbish bin. she loves to dig up scrunched up papers and bits of plastic and steal them and run off somewhere where she can play with them..if only she knew how to put them back into the bin after she's done playing with it...sigh..

Stealing a spoon

She always steals my dad's pens...and you will never see it again once she's taken them..

  • Oh yea, she always does this "meow" thing that i find really strange.. but cute..its like her signature meow or something..and she only does it when you start making the "meowing" sound or when you dangle something in front of her..her eyes will become huge and she will start doing her meow..well..since she refuses to respond to her name, calling her with this "meow" sound might just get her attention..and thats a good thing for me when i want to call her=D


Everycat said...

Hello Miilo! Thanks for visiting us at Everycat. We have just been oohing and aaahing over your cat family. They are all so beautiful. We love the elegance of Malaysian cats. Buttons is quite the character! Have you heard of The Cat Blogosphere? There are many blogging cats there who would love to meet you. You can post your blog link there


We will visit you again!

Whicky Wuudler

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Hi, thanks for visitng me. Buttons is just so cute. I love her spot on the right front paw. I have to report (sadly) that the 2-faced kitten only survived 3 days.

Do comd and visit again. I am a little sick at present but am geting better.

Yes, do link up with the Cat Blogosphere. There are lots of very friendly kitty bloggers there

Lux said...

Thanks so much for visiting - your cats are very very cute! Love their quirky faces! :)

Catzee said...

Buttons, yur sooooo cute! Ya wanna play wif me???

Rascal said...

You have nine cats in your family!?!?!? I'm impressed. Welcome, all of you, to the Cat Blogosphere.

The Cat Realm said...

Thank you for visiting us! You are all adorable cats! And welcome to the Cat Blogopshere!
Mrs. OZ, Tintin, Naughty, Luna, Ruis and Karl

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Hi, Buttons,
You sure are a cutie.
So there's 9 cats in yours fambly.
Wow, we's gotted 6 in ours.
Just more to love.
Love and Purrs,

Ellen Whyte said...

Button looks so sweet that we've tagged one of your other cats for a meme!
Here are the meme Rules:
1. Each player starts with 8 random fact/habits about themselves.
2. Tagged players write their own blog about their 8 things and post these rules.
3. A the end of your blogpost, choose 8 people to be tagged and list their names.
4. Leave them a comment telling them theyĆ¢€™re tagged and to read your blog.

Just Sharlene and the Spice Cats said...

Ooo.....we think you are the cutest, Buttons!

Spice Cats