Sunday, November 23, 2008



2006 Baby Bullet!!
  • This fluff ball here is a real timid one...till the point where she becomes untouchable to humans..and hence the name Bullet. If you try to for a second lay a finger on her, you will be spending the rest of your time plastering conclusion, it is not a pleasant idea to touch her...especially for strangers and people shes not familiar with(but then again, she will just probably take cover wayy before the humans can even lay their eyes on her). I do not know why shes always so scared...she's pretty okay with me though..she will come to me when i call her.. and she allows me to touch her (except her stomach)...but i have to admit it wasn't very exciting trying to get her convinced..and it took me quite awhile( a couple of years in fact) to finally get her to allow me to touch her. i am still trying to carry her...but that is still a work in progress and i don't think i will be able to hug this fuzzy any time now considering the fact that she is still afraid, scary looking, and can just about scratch you at an any possible moment=S

She loves to sleep like that^^...and she will look all relaxed and will give me that "show off" look....but when the camera starts getting closer..

...Her eyes start getting bigger! then that is just creeepy and scary o_0

okay, just so you know..this is still Bullet...shes a little..umm...balding heheh...caused by Babyboy and his grumpiness. Babyboy is naughty...i dunno why he keeps disturbing her...anyways...this is the unfortunate result...the good news is...her fur is growing back..the bad news is..only the front part of her body is furried for the back and the tail..well..

i call it a coconut tree^^..and its been like that for as long as i remember so i dont think it will be growing fur anytime soon.

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